Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm Back....

It's been awhile, I know. I just haven't been in the mood lately to write consistently.

But I did warn you a long time ago that I wasn't going to blog as often anymore. I wasn't going to post again until something interesting or rather exciting happened in my life. Well, honestly, I would never call myself boring and potentially cool things commonly happen to me a few times a week but sitting down to write about them and publicize them almost makes them seem less important, less valuable to me. Does that make sense? Do other bloggers go through this too?

So instead of even attempting to catch you up on all the awesome things I've been doing, I decided to use photobucket (Thanks Tonya for all your help) to create a collage of some of my favorite pictures over the past few months.


<span class=Photobucket" border="0">


  1. Yaaaaaaaaay!!! I did a small happy dance when I saw you posted something! I've missed reading your blog (even though we talk on the phone and I sometimes fb stalk you!) I just really like reading your blog. It's funny, sassy, smart, and entertaining. I can't imagine how hard it would be to find time/energy/topics to blog about regularly, so I commend you! Happy to read and see the pictures in this post :)

  2. I totally relate to that. I find that when something happens to me and i think, 'i must blog about that later.' Then when i actually start trying to explain it, it takes all the magic out of it and it's not that interesting anymore.

  3. You figured out how to enlarge the collage! Cool.

    You are certainly the busiest chick I know.
