Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Vampire in a Leather Jacket

This week's Mama Kat's writing prompt that I chose was "A boy you had crush on... Where is he now?"

Ok, first of all, who didn't I have a crush on? Seriously! I have been boy-crazy since those long ago Kindergarten days. I honestly can't even remember a year when I didn't have a crush on some boy in one of my classes or even just a boy that I admired from afar. There was always someone who caught my eye one way or another.

Sure, maybe I didn't always have the guts to t
alk to him but I'm pretty sure they were aware that I was interested. You probably couldn't help but notice my staring! During my shy years, sometimes the only exchange that I would even have with a boy would be at the school dances where I would awkwardly wait against one wall with all the other hopeful girls for a boy to ask her to slow dance.

My friends and I would spend hours and hours discussing which boys we liked and why. Then we would analyze every second we ever spent with them and what their actions and words had meant. No gesture would ever go unnoticed. It goes without saying we would endlessly talk about their amazing hair, how cute they looked when they grinned at us, their bright eyes, their cool clothes and most definitely how their last names would look after our first names. I filled up so many notebooks with scribblings of the last names of crushes I had. It's a good thing I never had that embarrassing moment of one of them seeing this.

Despite the countless crushes I've had in my lifetime, I of course will never forget my very first one. His name was Mark.... Oh crap, I don't remember his last name.... (Guess that means I can't stalk him on FACEBOOK! :( ) How can this be?! Oh, maybe it's because I liked him WAY BACK in 1991. I was in 1st grade and he was in 2nd grade. My family and I had just been evacuated from Somalia in East Africa so we were living in Tucson, Arizona for the rest of the school year. For why I was living in Africa, read this post: Background on Moi.

Anyway, back to my crush, Mark. From what I can remember, he had these amazing dark brown eyes and his soft wavy brown hair would fall over them sometimes. He was slightly taller than most other boys in 1st and 2nd grade combined so he totally had that going for him. However, the best thing about him that I can vividly remember was his black leather jacket that he wore every. single. day. Yes, I was smart even back then at age 6 and I knew that leather jackets were the epitome of cool and stylish. He was a "bad boy" at 7 years old and knew what the ladies wanted. Ha! During recess and lunch time, we would run around pretending to be vampires and victims. Mark was the strong vampire every time and all of us little 1st grade girls were his innocent victims. I was usually the last one to be caught. ; ) Even in 1991, the vampire phenomenon was apparent. "Twilight" didn't start that up.

So, where is Mark today? Who knows.... Like I said, I don't remember his last name so I sadly can't look him up on Facebook. Isn't it a shame that I can't specify a search on there with where he went to 2nd grade and what article of clothing did he love.. Or can I? Hmmm.. I might have to investigate this further if only to talk to him about his vampire fetish back then and to find out whatever happened to that awesome leather jacket. : ) I'll keep ya posted!


  1. He was already rockin' a leather jacket at 7 years old? No wonder you had a crush on him. If only you could remember his last name.

  2. Some kids are just born cool and some of us fall for it. For all we know Mark might be reading your blog right now.

  3. Leather jacket clad 8 yr olds.. ooh.. super cool.. it will never be happening here as we had/have still wear uniforms to school at elementary/high school.

  4. I remember being boy-crazy! I was crushing on someone or another all the time! But a 7-year-old in a leather jacket? That's just too cool and too crush-worthy!

  5. I agree with everyone about the leather jacket. You gotta find this guy!

  6. In my head Mark is a mini version of The Fonz.

  7. Cool boy in the leather jacket chasing the girls as a vampire! Oh my and at age 6. I love and can see why you had a crush. Now you need to figure out his last name and find him.. just for grins and giggles!

  8. too cute! i'm really impressed by his leather jacket as young as you all were. he was quite the trendsetter!

  9. Ha ha, that's hilarious! I remember my first crush was David, in kindergarten...and then there was a David in third grade. This Mark kid sounds pretty cool though! This was a fun post to read and brought back many fun memories! I'll sadly admit that it's been a LONG time since I've had a crush on someone :(

  10. P.S. I'm digging the new blog look! Very cool!

  11. Too bad you can't look him up! I'd be curious to see what he looks like now.

  12. Oh yes the weakness of the leather jacket! He was far ahead of his cool game at 7!

    Visitin from Mama Kats

  13. A leather jacket at 7? That's hawt!

    I have always been very boy crazy too.

    I am "friends" on Facebook with all of my exes and most of my crushes too. Funny, huh?

  14. hahaha this is too funny. i have also always been boy crazy, and i am definitely friends with most of my exes. i love the thought of the little leather jkt. amazing!
