Thursday, June 2, 2011

College Life in a 6 Word Memoir

This week's Mama Kat's Writing Prompt that I chose was to write a 6 Word Memoir about a significant time in your life.

The following 6 words come to my mind almost instantly when I think about my college life:

State-side, Independence, Roommate, Cooking, Laundry, Internet

1. State-side
- I was living back in the states for the first time since first grade. Talk about experiencing intense culture shock!

2. Independence - Like most college freshman, for the first time in my life, I was living on my own without the watchful eyes of my parents on me. Yikes!

3. Roommate
- This was a completely new world. Thankfully, my randomly selected Freshman roommate and I ended up becoming fast and lifelong friends.

4. Cooking - I had never really cooked anything before in my life. This was a fun and challenging new world.

5. Laundry - I had also never done my own laundry before. Thank goodness for the instructions on the back of the detergent bottles!
I know, I was incredibly spoiled growing up!

6. Internet - This may sound funny but I had never really used the Internet before going to college and hadn't sent too many emails out either. I don't know what I would have done without being able to email my parents and friends back overseas.


  1. Nicely done! Just stopped by from Mama Kat to say hi!

  2. I like your approach. WAY easier than what I did.

  3. Ya, I never really used the internet or email until I got to college. Now I can't get off the computer :)

  4. Great six words! I came by way of Tonya, after reading your gorgeous post about Lucas. Loved it.
