Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Project Smile-February

I finally decided to join Project Smile this month. I learned about it through my sister's blog and she discovered it through Alicia's blog at A Beautiful Mess. The challenge is to find something to smile about every single day of the month. I did exactly that for the month of February!
Here we happily go:

1st- Sharing a big glass of red wine with my roommate after a long day of nannying
2nd- My sister and Lucas come to LA to visit me! I am smiles all day long!

3rd- An interesting and thoughtful conversation between four intelligent women, myself included.

4th- I got so much accomplished today!
5th- Pre-Marathon jitters are the best

6th- I rocked my 2nd Half-Marathon ever! I'm super excited now for my Full Marathon next month!
7th- Being able to sit in front of the TV with my lap top for hours and actually get a lot done!

8th- A bajillion things at the 99cent store for $10 bucks!

A nice long hike on a beautiful sunny LA day.
10th- I found 6 music job openings and applied for them all in under an hour.
11th- Morning yoga outside! Need I say more?
12- I ran 20 miles and didn't die afterwards!
13- Several hours of fun at the beach with my roommates and friends.
14- A sweet night with new and old friends celebrating desserts and Valentines Day and not being depressed at all that we are single! : )
15- An intense workout at the gym that left me drenched with sweat and completely out of breath.
16- A sweet visit with my sister and nephew in Orange County.
17- I went to a thoughtful and interesting lecture on sex in downtown Los Angeles with new and old LA friends.
18- Today I'm happy that I allowed myself to cry tears of sadness. It had been awhile and I obviously needed it.
19- A totally rad 80's Prom Birthday Party in Newport Beach.
20- A very lazy day spent watching several movies in bed
21- I applied to 6 amazing jobs! Wish me luck!
22- I did Bikram Yoga again today for the first time in about a year and it felt amazing!
23- I got an awesome job interview lined up for Monday!
24- Not only did I take a Bikram Yoga class but I also ran 3 miles! Damn, this feels good!
25- I got my hair trimmed and colored black!! And my BFF from high school arrived to visit me for a few days! : ) I couldn't be happier today!
26- My sister, nephew and best friend and I spent the afternoon together! How perfect is that?!
27- Having a margarita with my BFF in Santa Monica by the ocean celebrating her birthday!
28- So many things to smile about today: A leisure hike and brunch with Emily followed by my awesome interview and a relaxing night together too.


  1. You are doing great with your running! Way to go! Sounds like you found plenty of reasons to smile!

  2. Oh, I so love this idea! I'm going to link back to it sometime. Living with gratitude daily really is a strong source of healing for whatever ails you.

    So many interesting things you did! You dyed your hair black?! Do you feel exotic?

  3. Aw. Such a great list. So glad you joined us. I will be back in Septemeber but taking the next 6 months off. It is a great habit to get into though and so fun to read back through your lists later. Number 12 made me laugh, but dang-- 20 miles? That is so impressive. Really. It sounds like you have a rich, blessed life full of great friends and family and not taking it for granted.

  4. Awww, I'm getting all-misty eyed reading this! I miss you already so much! And, just want to say, that so many of your smiles are work-out related, which is inspiring! I'm going to try this smiles thing...in a journal, not a blog...maybe I'll email it to ya :D xoxo em

  5. Looks familiar. So many happy reasons to smile... :)
